Gracie and Jacket pups are here! Born October 3, 2024!!! This will be Gracie's last litter as she will be retiring.
Site updated 12/8/2024
*Can hold until Christmas if needed.
Can meet part way for a small fee (to help with gas).
Gracie's pup female #1.
This gal will has beautiful dark markings. She is brave and the first to go exploring. She is charting to be 5.5 lbs. Mom and dad are both 7 lbs. NOT AVAILABLE Thanks Anderson Family
Gracie's pup female #2
This female is a doll. She is playful and fun. She is charting to be 5.5 pounds. Asking $1800 for limited AKC registration. NOT AVAILABLE Thanks Mitchell Family
Gracie's pup female #3.
This little girl is a fluff ball. She is currently charting to be 5 pounds. Asking $1800 for limited AKC registration. AVAILABLE
Gracie's pup female #4.
This little girl is such a cutie! Charting to be 5 lbs. Asking $1800 for limited AKC registration. NOT AVAILABLE Thanks Beahm Family
Gracie's pup male #1
This little guy is going to be tiny. He is currently charting to be 3.0 lbs. He holds his own amongst all of his sisters. Asking $1800 for AKC limited registration. AVAILABLE
Please see "Upcoming Litters" page for pricing and placing deposits. Thanks! winterbrookyorkies@yahoo.com